Looking for the perfect retail or office space to let your entrepreneurial spirit flourish? Centrally located in the Woodmere Commons facility just south of 8th Street and the Traverse Area District Library, this great space has wonderful visibility with plenty of parking for customers or clients, allowing a multitude of uses. Currently vacant, so you can get started on any renovations you may require before "hanging your own shingle". Modified gross lease, tenant is responsible for utilities, cable/internet, trash removal, and liability insurance, landlord for association fees (snow plowing, lawn care, common area maintenance, building insurance). Three year lease desired with the ability to renew for an additional term. Other successful businesses include TC Tennis and Pickleball and Lost Art Yarn Shop. Be near the newly announced "Mill District", a Boardman Lake redevelopment plan to bring Brick Wheels bike shop, a resident-occupied residential component, and recreational access to the water and the popular Boardman Lake Trail. Single bathroom, utility area including sink and stack washer-dryer (electric) hook up. In a previous incarnation was a salon and more recently a DIY craft store, now's the time for you to bring your idea to this wonderful location!
8th Street in Traverse City south on Woodmere Avenue, on the east side of the road, look for the left turn lane south of Hannah St. Blue "Woodmere Commons" sign near driveway/shared parking. Entry door to the south of TC Tennis & Pickleball storefront.
Copyright © 2025 Northern Great Lakes Realtors (NGLR) Listing provided by Northern Great Lakes Realtors (NGLR). The information in this listing was gathered from third-party sources including the seller. Home Waters LLC its subscribers disclaim any and all representations or warranties as to the accuracy of this information.
Serbin Real Estate. 6675 W. Western Avenue Glen Arbor MI 49636
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