This charming 1944 family home in the inviting Traverse Heights neighborhood is a hidden gem waiting for your vision. With 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom on a generous sized lot, it boasts partial hardwood floors and delightful vintage details that add character. With a touch of creativity and a refreshed perspective, this home can truly shine. Ideally situated just a short walk from downtown Traverse City and close to the library, this property offers fantastic potential and easy access to vibrant shops, restaurants, and beautiful parks. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform a classic home into something truly special.
From E Eighth St. turn right onto Woodmere Ave., left onto Carver St., right onto Clinch St. and the home will be on your left.
Copyright © 2024 Northern Great Lakes Realtors (NGLR) Listing provided by Northern Great Lakes Realtors (NGLR). The information in this listing was gathered from third-party sources including the seller. Home Waters LLC its subscribers disclaim any and all representations or warranties as to the accuracy of this information.
Reo-tcfront-233021. 511 E Front Street TRAVERSE CITY MI 49686
Real estate evaluation can be a very subjective measure. These properties were chosen based on a simple series of objective numbers and may not actually be very similar to the property being searched. Contact a professional REALTOR for assistance in evaluating any given property.