Unique opportunity to lease this prime restaurant/retail space in the heart of Downtown Traverse City. Located in the Hardy Parking Deck building, this space features approximately 1, 892 SF of restaurant/retail space with frontage on State St, and a separate 198 SF storage unit in the parking deck. The longtime location of prominent seafood restaurant Scalawag's, this space is now ready for it's next chapter. Great foot traffic, convenient parking, and close proximity to other shops and restaurants make this an attractive location for a variety of restaurant or retail concepts. Existing restaurant equipment is available to new tenant. Tenant is responsible for all utilities and a portion of the janitorial expenses for the shared restrooms. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the Downtown Traverse City business community!
South on Boardman Ave from E Front St in Downtown Traverse City, Right on E State St, property will be on your right
Copyright © 2025 Northern Great Lakes Realtors (NGLR) Listing provided by Northern Great Lakes Realtors (NGLR). The information in this listing was gathered from third-party sources including the seller. Home Waters LLC its subscribers disclaim any and all representations or warranties as to the accuracy of this information.
Coldwell Banker Schmidt Traver. 402 E Front Street Traverse City MI 49686
Real estate evaluation can be a very subjective measure. These properties were chosen based on a simple series of objective numbers and may not actually be very similar to the property being searched. Contact a professional REALTOR for assistance in evaluating any given property.