Ranch home close to Lake George. New carpet and vinyl flooring. Attached 2 car garage and 2nd detached garage for additional storage. Fireplace in living room. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath. Big mostly fenced backyard. Buyers to verify any and all information. Sold As-Is seller will not complete any repairs. Property is eligible under the Freddie Mac First Look Initiative through 10/27/2023.
Cedar Rd to Plum St to Bungo Trail Left to home.
Copyright © 2025 Northern Great Lakes Realtors (NGLR) Listing provided by Northern Great Lakes Realtors (NGLR). The information in this listing was gathered from third-party sources including the seller. Home Waters LLC its subscribers disclaim any and all representations or warranties as to the accuracy of this information.
Your Team Realty. 1214 S LINCOLN PO BOX 380 LAKEVIEW MI 48850
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