Why List in the Winter?

While there are certainly fewer buyers in the market during the cold winter months, there are quite a few who stick around even in the toughest of winters. Somehow, over time, many sellers and a lot of REALTORS have developed an impression that having a property for sale during the winter is a losing battle.  We couldn't disagree more!   If your property is not on the market I can absolutely guarantee it won’t be one of those that sell.  Here are three reasons you should strongly consider listing your property during the winter months

  • Limited winter inventories help each property that is on the market stand out
    • It’s not uncommon to have 30% to 40% lower property inventories in some areas during the winter months because many sellers wrongly believe their property simply won’t sell during the off season
    • Because there are fewer options for buyers in the winter months, each property that is on the market garners more attention
    • With fewer for sale signs around, buyers don't get the sense that “everything” is for sale which can lead to a greater sense of urgency  
  • Buyers who are willing to brave the cold northern Michigan winter are serious buyers.  
    • While many summer visitors to northern Michigan will take some time to browse properties during their vacation, they may not be serious about purchasing at all
    • If someone is looking for properties in the dead of winter in northern Michigan, there’s a reason.  Whether they’re relocating, moving because of a change in circumstance, looking to buy in preparation for next summer or pursuing a property for winter recreation, they’re serious about the process  
  • Buyers can only purchase the properties they are aware of and a lot of land is sold in the winter
    • According to The Northern Great Lakes REALTORS MLS (Northern Michigan's largest MLS), more than 2,500 properties sold last winter (November through March) with a total sales volume of $651,271,700!  That’s a ton of property for the “off season”!
    • If a seller chooses to keep their property off the market during the winter, they’ll absolutely not be one of those 2,500+ to sell
    • If your property is not on the market, the perfect buyer may very likely buy something different because they didn't even know your property was available for sale 
There's no doubt that people's minds turn toward holiday activities, especially around Christmas, but it's very clear there are still a tremendous number of active buyers in the market.  When asked by sellers when the best time of year to sell is, I always respond, "When you want to get it sold."  If you want to catch a fish, you have to be on the lake or river.  If you want to sell your home, put it on the market!  We'd love to help!  Please contact The Homewaters Representative in your area to learn more about how we can help ensure your property sells in the near future!